January 2021 Newsletter (copy 01)


The Navigator
January 2021 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts.

By, Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer

Just saying the word entitled causes a negative reaction in me. I do not want to take the position that I’m some an old sage or wise beyond my years. However, it feels like one of the shifts I’ve observed now is there is so much entitlement in the world.

One thought has become is...the federal government is supposed to provide. The state government should react too. My company is should provide everything to take care of me. My church is supposed to provide and meet my need. That thought is so pervasive and widespread. Of course, we’re amid this worldwide pandemic and we have looked to our government for tax relief money, stimulus checks to offset lost earnings, relief from federal debts, come up with a vaccine ( for free), etc. This is temporarily helpful, but in the long run, just feeds into the problem that a bailout is just around the corner. Social media users often take the position that they demand to be heard without thought of the pain or damage they cause when using the platform to share their views or opinion.
I remember an old value my father taught my brothers and me growing up in the 60s. It went like this. Don’t say anything at all unless you have something nice to say to somebody. People offer their opinion to me all the time, and I’ve never asked for it. But there is an entitlement that they think something and then make the decision without my consent, to share their thoughts. If I didn’t ask for it, I probably didn’t want to hear it unless you’re my wife, kids, or my mom. But the entitlement behind that is hard for me to understand and even harder to digest. I don’t understand how we’ve gotten here and, I believe the impact is massive. 
I go back every year at this time to reflect upon the motive that led to me to create my own business. It helps me break free of decades of work in our healthcare system. Options for Senior Living was born in my heart in early 2003 from the desire to have more control over my time so that I could go to midweek day baseball games when the Diamondbacks were home. It was no more complicated than that. I didn’t feel like anybody owed me anything but I looked at the world as my canvas. Nothing was holding me back but fear and damaged self-image.

We had a system that allows a guy like me, to use the motive of his heart to determine his future. I was free to pursue the idea that I could develop a business and ultimately go today baseball games after I had a little success.
After 18 years, it has led to a lot more than that, but that was the fundamental and still heartfelt drive in my soul. If you know me at all, the minute I reflect and talk about having a chance to be at the ballpark when everybody else was at work, you know I get choked up with gratitude. 

I have no idea what’s in store for 2021. This is the time of the year that everybody tries to make resolutions and forecast what they think will happen. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that any and everything can change. Depending upon the things of the world and expecting life to be what it was, is a misplaced expectation. I’ve talked in previous months about combating the pandemic with creativity and hope. I’ve anchored my hope not in this world, but through God who is in control and is the promise of the life to come. My intention is not to be preachy but to communicate that this rampant entitlement is so destructive. The system still exists that we can get out tomorrow and create our future with our work. Our hope for tomorrow can come true even amid a pandemic. I’m not bound and locked to a desperate perspective or a bleak outlook. But with inspiration and willingness to do the work, good things Still happen. Goals can be achieved. Businesses can be started successfully. Dreams can come true. In no way am I minimizing how destructive the pandemic has been. I will not surrender my mind to the idea that I will be dependent on the government - for my survival, and there is no hope in this world. I will not adopt a sense of entitlement.
Join me in 2021 to do the hard work of finding what inspires you. Take some quiet time and remember those things that bring you to tears. If someone does not ask, be careful where you give your opinion. Listen to others. Follow your heart as it relates to things that move you. Do not let the pandemic and the rhetoric of the world determine your 2021 and your future. At Options for Senior Living, we are getting ready to start our 19th year of service to the community with joy and hope to serve families this year. Please let the team and myself know how we can be of help. We traditionally wish people a happy new year at this time of the year.
Let’s make this a truly Happy New Year!

Officials Warn Of COVID-19 Scams & Fraud.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued a fraud alert to warn against criminals that are trying to use the vaccine as an open door to take people's money.

Information on AARP's website highlight national and statewide initiatives to prevent Coronavirus vaccine fraud and scams. 
Below are links to two articles published by the AARP national office about the topic:

Where Is The Vaccine?

ABC News 15

As a member of the Arizona Attorney General Health & Safety Committee, Scott was recently asked to speak with ABC News 15 about the circulation of the COVID-19 vaccine to Senior living.
Here our partners from Mariposa Point of Mesa and Quail Park at Morrison Ranch talk about the vaccine.


Senior Referral Specialist, Tammy Luna

"I wanted to send a note to you to say thank you to you and Options for Senior Living for your work in finding a good home for my aunt when we needed to find an assisted living small group home. You listened carefully to me as I laid things out. But more importantly you sat down face to face and heard my aunt.  She felt cared for and heard. You gave us a variety of places we could visit and she was able to make a decision quickly from those. Thank you for your work on our behalf. It was so much appreciated."

~Kathy Darms

Your Referral Is Our Biggest Compliment.

We wouldn't be able to make the impact we do without your trust and referrals. Thank you!

If you have a loved one, neighbor, friend or coworker in your life in need of assistance, please contact us at 602.845.1320. We are here to help.
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