January Newsletter 2016

August 2015
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Scott M. Fischer, BSN

Typically people write their New Year's resolutions and make all new goals and plans for the coming year.  It's a great time to evaluate the last year and set our eyes on the future. I can't tell you how many times I've done this over the years and the process is really familiar to me.  But this year I wanted to look at things a little differently...we had so much change last year as Stacey and I got married and she joined the team.  We've had a huge growth in business in the east valley with her presence.  I always served the east valley for years, but I was never present long enough anywhere in Mesa or Chandler to ever cultivate a continuous flow of business.  Due to her work, Options has a presence we would never have had without her. I'm so grateful!

Tammy celebrated her third anniversary with Options and she now is transitioning to a new role for her. This past year she has spent a lot more time directly with families and helping them also find and locate the senior housing right for our clients. 

 Starting in May, she will leave the office behind altogether and assume the role as our west side specialist.  I've grown so accustomed to having her in the office as I call her all day long with all my needs while I'm out and about...but now she's taking her natural kindness and caring heart to the world.  Our west side presence has diminished over the years because I couldn't get to the far west anymore than I could get to the far east side when it was just me in the field and Tammy in the office.  So this is great news for us and it reveals a need that we have to find someone to serve in a support role for us and handle our office responsibilities.  I'm so grateful!
I say all that to say this.  I started Options in 2003 as I tell people to get myself out of a career in healthcare where I felt underpaid, under appreciated and over worked.  I wanted to be self determining and I wanted to do something where I made a little difference.  I had no idea I would still be doing this 13 years later.  I had no idea I would have employees and families in my life and I sure never saw PASRS coming my way...my involvement in that movement has elevated our business and elevated my personal impact for our community.  It was never my intent to do all this.  I just didn't want a job.  But I'm grateful that my work and my continuous presence has been received so well over the years.  New things are on the horizon...we install our new board at PASRS this month.  I was honored with an invitation to speak at the Alzheimers Association Annual Education Conference again this year, which is coming up in March.  I'm grateful and humbled when I get alone and get quiet with myself in a reflective place. So 2016 is a time to reflect...its a time to look forward...its a time to give thanks...and its a time to get busy to touch more people and make a difference in more lives.  We have helped over 2000 families in the past 13 years and we are just getting started.  Thank you for your friendship and support all these years and join us for will be what I believe will be our best and most influential year yet.

Stacey and her girls, Molly and Leah are traveling to Malawi, Africa in a few months to serve a mission with their church. Through the Live, Love campaign that was started in Chandler and now extends across the world Stacey and her girls are excited and truly humbled to serve and grow in this manner. Molly will work with the high school youth group in various parts of the region and Stacey and Leah will work with the leaders in an orphanage helping children who have lost their parents.  They ask for your prayers and support as they take on this special life changing experience. If you would like to donate to this mission please talk to Stacey or go to the link:

Have you RSVP'd for the January 27th meeting? Join us at 9:30-11am at Discovery Point in Mesa. We will be having a panel discussion: Avoiding a Caregiver Crisis-How to navigate through the ever-changing, ever-challenging world of managing care providers in the senior industry. This discussion will be lead by our newly elected board members, Jennifer Rayl, owner of Brightstar Greater Scottsdale and Bob Daily, owner of Visiting Angels. Please mark your calendars , as we meet the last Wednesday of each month. Out membership continues to grow each month, please be part of the change.



Tammy has the most exciting news! Her beautiful family will be growing in May, Tammy and Francisco will welcome their 5th baby girl. They are truly blessed with this special gift they have been given and we cannot wait to meet this new addition to their family.

Copyright © 2016 Scott Fischer and Options for Senior Living, LLC, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
18731 East Superstition Drive, Queen Creek, 85142

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