October 2020 Newsletter


The Navigator
October 2020 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts

Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer

This month, I wanted to get back to talking a little bit more about our commitment at Options for Senior Living. With each family we serve, our team strives to be the best professional referral and placement agency in the valley. For years I wanted our company and our industry to be a trusted partner to our referral partners and senior living partners and protect vulnerable seniors from unethical agents. Many times over the years I have shared with you – we operate in an unlicensed and unregulated space. There is only one law in the state of Arizona that affects our practice. .... 

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Meet Kim.

Kim Metzler is our Client Service Manager here at Options for Senior Living and the one that keeps our operations running smoothly. She will likely be the first person you speak with when calling us so we thought you should get to know her!   
Kim brings over 30 years of service and management experience. Working primarily in the health and insurance industry most of her career, she found herself needing a change that allowed for less travel and more availability to help with her aging mother. When the position at Options came up, it seemed to be the perfect fit.  After meeting with our owner Scott and hearing his heart for our senior community, it solidified her decision to join and contribute to our team.  
Kim is a seasoned professional who holds her Arizona Insurance license as well as various certifications in Management and Strategic Planning. Service being a key part of who she is, she will listen to your needs and concerns and get the appropriate resource to help you. She has training in Autism Sensory Awareness, caring for those with Dementia and is in the process of obtaining her certification as a Senior Advisor. She and her husband serve regularly in their church, volunteer at local food banks and other community functions associated with the American Legion. 

What brought you into the senior care industry?

My aging mom began to need more and more of my help for day to day living. I had been working in a job that required a lot of travel and was unable to juggle that with the increasing needs of my mom. When the position at Options came up, I knew the Lord had opened a door for me. I could utilize the skills I had learned from my previous career, be close to take care of my mom and learn about the options available to help me in this season of caring for her.
What has been the most valuable knowledge you’ve gained during your time in the industry?

Ask for help.  Don’t try to navigate this journey by yourself. There are so many professionals in the industry that have a wealth of knowledge that will save time and your sanity. It’s okay if you can’t handle everything yourself when it comes to caring for a loved one. It’s actually normal.  While it may be your desire to do everything to meet their needs, being their caregiver adds a level of stress that often makes you, the caregiver, less effective and at risk for health issues yourself.
What is the #1 thing you’d like to stress to people who are in need of help with finding the right solution for their aging loved one?

If you can, have the conversation with your loved one early about what change to their current situation might look like if they become unable to care for themselves. Get their buy in if possible and take care of the appropriate legal paperwork, Power of Attorney, etc. before you need to move to assisted living arrangements.
What are your goals going forward?

I believe life is an ongoing learning process.  I plan to continue to educate myself on how to help those in need best.  I’m currently studying for the Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) designation and hope to have attained this by the end of the year.


with Art Brooks or Rescuers Radio

Scott was recently a guest on Art Brooks radio show, Rescuers Radio. The show provides an opportunity to spotlight people who are working behind the scenes to make this world a better place. These people serve as inspiration and idea starters to encourage others to find creative ways to impact their community, their city, and the world. Rescuers airs 5:30-6 p.m. AZ time Thursdays on KPXQ-AM Faith Talk 1360. Take a listen!


Senior Referral Specialist, Tammy Luna

Our family was seeking a new home for our mother and was very pleased with the services we received from Options for Senior Living.  Tammy was our referral specialist and did a great job.  She is very knowledgeable, was always available, and provided timely responses to our inquiries. 
At our request, Tammy spoke with one of Mom’s clinicians to discuss the type of settings that would best meet her needs.  Tammy then scheduled and participated in several virtual tours of the types of settings recommended by the clinician.  We selected one of the communities we toured with Tammy and have been very pleased with it.  It has been a very good fit for Mom.
We highly recommend Tammy and Options for Senior Living.
Neil O. and Family


Let Us Celebrate.

We are thrilled to announce that two more members of our team have completed highly regarded industry certifications! Congratulations to Glenda Redman and Katie Pena on passing the CSA (Certified Senior Advisor) Certification exam. The CSA credential applies to professionals in all areas of the aging industry. Way to go Glenda & Katie!

Your Referral Is Our Biggest Compliment.

We wouldn't be able to make the impact we do without your trust and referrals. Thank you!

If you have a loved one, neighbor, friend or coworker in your life in need of assistance, please contact us at 602.845.1320. We are here to help.
Copyright © 2020 Scott Fischer, Options For Senior Living, LLC., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
781 West Hackberry Drive, Chandler, AZ 85248

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