OFSL – Apr 2022 Newsletter


The Navigator

April 2022 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts


Laying Solid Foundations of Leadership

By Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer


The position of Referral and Placement Specialist within the senior industry has really only emerged within the last 20 to 25 years. This role emerged in response to a need that began to exist a couple of decades ago initially as seniors were being discharged from hospitals and rehab centers. That has grown to be much more expansive and inclusive through the years and will continue to do so for many years to come because of the enormous number of people who will need guidance with selecting the right senior living.

So many other industries have existed for decades and some even for hundreds of years. I think of school teachers and plumbers, and many others. We have a clear idea of who those people are and what kind of work they do. However, as it relates to our business of professional referrals and senior placement, there is still a considerable knowledge gap.

I’ve shared before that we operate in an unlicensed and largely unregulated space. Everyone and anyone can step in and call themselves a placement agent or specialist with no barriers to entry. Nothing prohibits those with ill intentions, and nothing protects those most vulnerable. No one knows who is good, ethical, or an honest professional. It’s why membership in PASRS/NPRA is so vital. Best Practices are intended to be the guide for agents. Additional certifications are helpful to be used as benchmarks for agents to reflect a dedication to their practice, experience, and effectiveness.

At Options, this is serious stuff. After 19 years of the stories people share with me about the unprofessional and often unethical practices of agents that people encounter, I'm still astounded. I’m dumbfounded at the unwillingness of many senior living homes and centers to unite and demand better rather than settle for what the norm is and accept the behavior in the name of filling beds.

As leaders at Options, we spend countless hours meeting and investing time into our team to find ways to better continually. To listen better, know more about our product, and genuinely serve families in their time of need. We spent 6 hours just yesterday with four new agents digging deeply into the content I’ve prepared for them to help them become true professionals in our industry. Remember, nobody went to college to learn how. There’s no such thing as a degree in senior placement.

So we have to train, raise and teach. We have to model and inspire. We have to impress upon our new team the importance of shooting higher. The basement in the business is no place to be. If we want generations of good agents and, as a community, we need quality agents to help thousands of more families; we take the time to invest in them today. We develop training and opportunities for the next generation of leaders and placement specialists. We raise awareness so that families get the best from us and understand the enormous difference between what we do and what happens when you contact an online referring company that does not consider your particular needs, whether it be emotional, physical, or financial.

It’s always our pleasure to help. Referrals from past families, friends, and colleagues are the highest form of compliment we can receive. We are grateful for your friendship and support! Have a great month.


What's New on Our Blog?

How would you know if your aging parent needs help? A few telltale signs give a strong indication of whether or not you need to step in and assist. But, of course, some signs may be more obvious than others. We’ve listed the most frequently reported by professionals to help you determine whether the time is right to intervene and help your aging parent make a move to a longer-term care community.


PASRS – Who, What, and Why it Matters


Not many families or seniors know of the Professional Association of Senior Referral Specialists (PASRS).

In this article, we will explain the reason for its existence and why it’s crucial to choose senior living operators who form part of this network.

We also answer the who, what, and why of this increasingly important network.




Senior Placement with a Difference

We're proud to have been featured recently as part of Senior Living Connector's Ask The Expert video series about what makes Options for Senior Living different and how we support families on their journey to total senior living preparedness. 
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