OFSL – Aug 2022 Newsletter


The Navigator

August 2022 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts


Quotes to Live By

By Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer


"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

"Begin with the end in mind."

"You will get all you want out of life if you help enough people get what they want out of life."

"Without a vision, a man shall perish."

These are just a few ideas and thoughts that have shaped my life. They continue to be a source of inspiration, giving me a strong footing most days or something to grab for when life isn't unfolding the way I had hoped at that moment. I can't speak for anyone else but myself, but there have been some shocking and challenging moments in this life I wasn't expecting - anybody else?

We are approaching a milestone that is coming closer, causing me to reflect this month. March 1, 2023, will be the 20th anniversary of Options for Senior Living. I had walked away from my long career in nursing and healthcare to start what has become the Options company. Trust me, I had no vision of this at that time. I wanted to have my own business to have more control over my time and hopefully earn a better living than I was. Nursing, like education, social services, and so many other professions, was on the lower end of the pay ladder, given the roles and responsibilities we embraced and were tasked with. “Nobody gets into helping people for the money!” That is what I heard for nearly 20 years before March 1, 2003.

Now I believe in my heart that financial success for a business that helps and serves people is the FRUIT of a company that remains true to its mission of taking care of people. Money cannot be the focus. I worked for healthcare systems for years that placed profit over care repeatedly. We had mission statements that declared their allegiance to “cost-effectiveness,” which was code for a substantial profit line for our investors while cutting corners on staffing and supplies for the patients and families we cared for. Nearly 20 years of my life were dedicated to those ideals, and it wore me out…and inspired me to move on in FAITH to pursue what I saw was a higher calling.

The placement and referral industry was in its infancy in 2003 but was already stained when I arrived. There were several players around town, and some were approaching this business as a service for others. However, many were making insane money, placing people without regard for care or outcomes.
Having lived through my healthcare career, I was convinced I could do things my way, placing care ahead of profit, and believed, in the end, it would leave me in a better financial place than I was in my nursing career and have more choices of how to spend my free time.

As a parent and grandparent, I find it a better situation for me to determine when I work and when I plan my time away. I had to work two full-time jobs and had another home-based business for years to make it work for my family before Options. Those choices for my time in those days were minimal. Business ownership, for me, was the better choice.

On faith, I thought it would work out. I had no business plan, no facts to fall back on, just a vision and a belief that my efforts would work out.

Now 20 years later, it’s crazy to reflect on how all this came to be. Four thousand families or so have been placed through Options. Thousands of other families received guidance and resources. I believed it would all work out by helping enough people and sticking to my values and principles. I guess it has.

The business was largely just me for the first ten years. Tammy joined in the last ten years, and the rest is history. Stacey and I married in 2015, and her influence and effect have been undeniable. Above all, I am grateful and amazed. There are still so many more to help and much to do, but I reflect today.

Thank you to our incredible referring partners and many families for trusting us with your journey. Thank you to our senior living partners; without you, we cannot do what we do. But, most of all, thank you to those who have worked alongside me for the last several years. 

Have a great month!

Community Spotlight

In quaint Litchfield Park, Hacienda Del Rey, and MBK Senior Living Community is a wonderful and unique community. It's a beautiful, warm option for seniors needing assisted living or memory care. It features nine total casitas surrounding a beautifully landscaped and secure courtyard for residents to walk, socialize, enjoy enrichment activities, live entertainment and special events. It's a creative blend of the group home and larger community feel. And what makes it even better… are the people! The executive team and care staff are committed to quality care and excellence and strive to be the provider of choice in their area by offering an option where seniors can "age in place.


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It's no secret that a healthy immune system protects us from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. It's also no secret that if you are mindful of what you eat, you can use food to boost your immune system and, in doing so, give yourself the best chance at fighting off unwanted disease.


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