OFSL – July 2022 Newsletter


The Navigator

July 2022 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts


Reflections on Freedom

By Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer


Like so many others, I grew up at a time when the Fourth of July was a day of grand celebration. The little town I grew up in outside Cincinnati, Ohio, had a parade, and we featured and celebrated our war veterans. The day ended after a big picnic, roasted corn, and an incredible fireworks show. I remember in 1976 watching the celebration from Washington DC as we recognized our bicentennial. The United States and the great experiment were 200 years old.

As a country, it’s fair to say we’re going through an awful lot right now. People are upset from most walks of life. We’ve come through a worldwide pandemic; we’re dealing with the highest inflation in my lifetime and unprecedented gas prices.

It’s easy when things are challenging to see the problems. But, it takes that unique person or persons to see past what is evident and pursue the unseen. It takes resilience, stamina, and vision to pursue ideals when circumstances might dictate otherwise.

I’m inspired this morning to tell you that my journey to open this business almost 20 years ago was my declaration of independence. I had worked for years within our healthcare system, primarily serving those with mental illness. I wanted more than anything to have my own business. It was more than just owning a business, though- it had to be in service of our community, and I wanted to leave people better than how I found them. That ideal was it and continues to be a primary motivator for me. I hardly want to portray that working for various hospital systems was tyrannical. They were fine employers, and I had a great career. But to have the freedom and choices in life I desired, I knew I had to pursue my ideals and own my own business.

As we have grown over the years and brought new people to work under our umbrella at Options, that sense of freedom and the pursuit of that ideal also inspires our team. I’ve said that owning my own business has been the most significant faith walk ever. However, I knew there was a convergence of my ideal and the capacity to serve: I believed we could turn that ideal into something special. And that something special has been Options For Senior Living.

Our whole team is inspired to help and serve families, and that inspiration is coupled with their pursuit of the American dream. The American dream still lives despite all of the world's issues today.
When the brave founding fathers declared our independence from Great Britain in 1776, they knew there could be ramifications. So likewise, in today's society, when we buck the system and look to be entrepreneurs when all odds are against us, those decisions also have ramifications.
It involves sacrifice, dedication, and commitment—the same as the citizens of the colonies and the founding fathers.

The team we have assembled at Options, who serve many roles and capacities, has these qualities. Helping others is a calling, and our team exemplifies that every day. They are assets to our community. When I think about how many families they will touch in the next ten years, I am floored by the thought. It's going to be a staggering number. We have placed 4000 families in 20 years- I expect that to more than double in the next 10. However, our community here in the greater Phoenix area is AGING, and people need our help. Help is needed everywhere.

It's my privilege and part of my life's work to provide a platform where others can pursue their freedom and experience the joy of owning their own business while serving others. A significant component of freedom is freedom from debt and crushing financial obligations. It's the freedom to set goals and chase the desires of our hearts. See and experience a world beyond the traditional 8-5 work life. That's a massive component of our inherent freedoms.

The Options team is poised to be of service and ready to help all families who call on us. In addition, we are poised to help the clients of our referring partners when their clients are in distress during this critical time of their life.

From the entire team at Options For Senior Living, we hope you had a happy Fourth of July as you reflect upon the freedoms given to us by our founding fathers through the Declaration of Independence and our constitution. We are proud to serve our community and live in the greatest nation.

What's New on Our Blog?

It’s important to remember that every situation is unique and that if you act as the caregiver, some common challenges you may encounter include stress, adjusting to a new routine, dealing with difficult family members, and administrative challenges, to name a few. Therefore, this article will delve further into various common caregiving challenges and provide tips for dealing with them.


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