OFSL – Nov 2021 Newsletter


The Navigator

November 2021 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts


By Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer


I'm a very animated person. I tend to rest poorly and drive myself too far. I tend to say yes to an awful lot of things. Most of those things are good. However, I have to question whether they are always best for my family or me.

Most people would think that one business would keep them busy enough. So naturally, I doubled down and started a second business this year, and the third one is on its way! Sometimes I shake my head at all the things I get myself into.
I know I'm a lot. I know I demand a lot of myself and others. I have high aspirations and high ideals. I feel like I've been a good leader, yet I want to be a better leader with each passing year.

Last month I talked about being grateful in advance. It's a great practice, and I wish I could remember to live that way each week. Unfortunately, my motor runs so fast some days that I forget.

Here we are facing the week of Thanksgiving, and I have to say thank God! It's a day that requires me to stop and think.
It requires me to reflect on the incredible blessings that I've received. The day requires me to practice contentment which does not come naturally at all. Many people have given so much of themselves to me. When you take the time to think about it, and there's a quiet moment, words like 'grateful' and 'humble' don't even cover it. In the rawest of moments, I'm undone completely. I love the life I get to live.

But there's a part of Thanksgiving that I also respond to. It's the giving part. It's the part where I've been blessed now becomes a blessing to someone else as well. Right now, so much of our culture is at odds with each other. We are killing each other with our demand of being on the "right side." I say STOP!
I say reflect. I say think about how you can bless somebody else today rather than evaluate the world from my perspective and belief system. I say make somebody else's day better. I say dedicate a part of your day, or better, your life, and help someone else.

At Options for Senior Living, that has always been one of my driving values. This business of serving and helping families is a platform for my partners to build and develop a business of their own that helps them achieve things in life they want to achieve. It helps build character, commitment, and conviction.

I'm so grateful for Tammy, Nathan, Glenda, Berdene, Yolanda, Barbara, April, Kim, Ariana, Veronica, Tim, and my wife, Stacey. Together our mission is to help families through a very challenging time every single day.

Last week our team was together at the Better Business Bureau's annual Torch Award finalist banquet. Another great company from our category won the award we were nominated for, but this made little difference to the gratitude and pride I have for what we have achieved.

Having us all unified by the dedication we share was an amazing evening and one I'll never forget. It was incredibly special to share the night with my wife, my mom, daughter, and the rest of the team. It was an amazing honor just to have been there

I'm blessed, and I want to be a blessing. That's the gift of Thanksgiving.

Don't Let Senior Isolation and Depression Take Hold this Holiday Season.

Clinical depression in seniors is common, affecting roughly 6 million Americans age 65 and older. But, only a fraction get the treatment they need. In addition, studies show that senior loneliness and depression are at their peak during the festive period. With the help of Krystal Wilkinson from AdultCare Assistance, we help you spot the subtle signs of depression that can often go unnoticed in seniors.

Last-Minute Tips to Make Thanksgiving Special for Your Senior

For many, Thanksgiving is a time spent with family and loved ones, but what if your senior loved one can’t attend this year’s festivities? We provide some last-minute tips for making Thanksgiving special for seniors who live far away.
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