

Hello from Options for Senior Living *|FNAME|*

The senior referral industry at large is an unregulated one. This means that your senior client needs to be vigilant when choosing a senior referral service or placement agency. 

Too often we hear of seniors being placed in substandard care that does not meet their unique needs. In some instances, seniors get neglected or even abused.

To try and eradicate this, Options for Senior Living has been instrumental in the formation and roll-out of the Professional Association of Senior Referral Specialists (PASRS), which is the central Phoenix chapter of the National Placement and Referral Alliance (NPRA). 

But what do these abbreviations mean, and why do they matter?

Don't Let Your Client Become a Statistic.

Instead, get in touch with our local team of Certified Placement Experts. They can answer any questions you or your client may have and offer guidance, advice, and resources based on your client's unique requirements. Let's work together to ensure that your client's later years become their greater years.



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