OFSL – Jan 2022 Newsletter


The Navigator

January 2022 Newsletter

Scott's Thoughts


By Options for Senior Living Founder, Scott Fischer


The New Year came, and didn't we all attempt to make our New Year's Resolutions? Those ideas or goals that we have need commitment and dedication! So we make "resolutions" to make those goals happen. I've made hundreds of them over the years. My guess has you too. It's the thing we do!

We're committed at home to cleaning up our diet and getting healthier. I'm back working out at the gym. I want to rededicate my morning time to reading, journaling, and prayer. We want to be more thoughtful about eating out less and cooking meals in advance, so we don't fall back into the habit of eating out almost every day. With that comes drinking more often than we want or what is good for us. Resolutions! That's what we do!

This year, I have great plans for our two businesses - both Options for Senior Living and Senior Living Connectors. It's time to analyze and evaluate 2021 and set some new goals. This will be a fantastic year as we grow to help even more families than ever. I'm making resolutions! 

However, the first morning I started on my New Years' journey, a word came to me. "Unresolved." I had been looking through my office for a journal to write in, and I found one stuck on a bookcase shelf that I had forgotten about for years. When I opened it, I found the beginnings of a manuscript for a book I had hoped to write. There was a table of contents and about 12-15 pages written as a draft. I thought about 11-12 years ago, I had started that process of emptying my head, and it was to be an autobiographical account of learning to live a life of faith. 

Then the word came to me yet again. Unresolved.

So the last week, I've been thinking about how much the unresolved affects me daily. I've been thinking about how the unresolved has held me back. I've been thinking about the unresolved relationships that cause me to dwell too much on the past and what's been broken rather than live most fully in the present with those I love. I've been thinking about how the unresolved has robbed me of hope and joy. I've been thinking about how the unresolved has kept me from achieving or living out my goals, and that leads me to make these renewed RESOLUTIONS each year. 
I'm reminded of one of the wisest writings I've ever read and considered. This is from the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book page 417-18:

"And acceptance is the answer to ​all ​my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation – some face of my life – unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment." 

I remember reading that years ago, and when I got honest with myself, I realized how much of the "trouble" or disruption I felt came from my drive and my unwillingness to accept. "If only…." has been a prominent and dominant thought for me over the years.
I had to consider: "What if I was responsible for my chaos. What if I could move past these things through Faith and learn to accept them? What if the UNRESOLVED didn't have the power to derail me the way I allow?"

Living and accepting life on life's terms does not mean aimlessly moving through without having goals or directions. It doesn't mean being a doormat or just waiting for the world to run us over. It involves seeing things with some perspective, so we don't allow those old things to derail us. It challenges me to renew my Faith and understand what is and what isn't in my control, and by Faith, give the outcomes away. I'm called to live presently and fully in confidence. It means engaging what has previously tripped me up and forging ahead without fear so that I'm not restating the same resolutions again next year.

Happy New Year! Resolve to address the UNRESOLVED, and may this year be one of blessing and abundance! Thanks for being with us in 2021, and see you for a great 2022!


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