Yolande Norris

Yolande hails from the leafy province of Kwa-Zulu Natal in South Africa but is currently living in the Windy City known as Cape Town.

Yolande’s background in finance and payroll ensures she has a keen eye for detail. She enjoys the practical side of what she does on a daily basis. As an enneagram 2, Yolande is a natural helper and enjoys helping in any way she can. Whether in the workplace, community, or amongst friends and family.

She thrives in a community, which is the appeal of Options For Senior Living. “We are all part of a community aiming to ensure that a senior loved one is taken care of in the best possible way.

How our service works

Options for Senior Living is a referral service committed to placing your aging loved one in the best possible care for their needs. Since 2003, we have helped thousands of families find the right senior living community and care for their loved ones. Our Certified Placement Experts have years of experience and can provide localized expertise and referrals based on your area.

All at no cost to you

Our services are completely free of charge with no hidden fees. Guaranteed. We are paid by the facility you choose once you and your family have decided on the best option for your aging loved one. Our Certified Placement Experts are here to help.


