Written by Scott Fischer, BSN, CPRS, CDP – Owner, Options for Senior Living
It’s been almost 23 years since I started the Options for Senior Living business. At the time, it was – just me, wanting more than anything to do something worthwhile. I wanted to make a living and control my own time. I had grown miserable working for someone else, and this opportunity to start my own business had the most incredible opportunity, the most significant financial upside, and no barrier to entry. I often tell the story – I started my business because I wanted to be able to go to daytime baseball games whenever I wanted. This was and remains the truth today!
However, within a relatively short period, I understood the profession I had chosen was not one looked upon with respect and favor. It was clear what we were doing as placement agents were seen by many as unprofessional. In many cases, we were the business nobody wanted to talk about. We were just the dirty little secret. I felt like I was doing great work and providing families with outstanding service. I worked hard for those families and equally to become a trusted partner to senior living operators. In those days, most of our work was directed toward Assisted Living Homes. Corporate entities ran several assisted-living centers and were less likely to pay referral fees to us for the families we represented. We were seen by most as greedy, unprofessional, and unethical as a whole.
A little over 14 years ago, a dear colleague and I were challenged to do something about those “damn placement people.” We didn’t know what to do, but with help, we used this inspiration to establish a group known today as PASRS. The group incorporated and became a 501(c)6 trade association. This put us closer to being viewed as dependable professionals and respected in the senior living profession.
Over the years, we debated whether or not licensure was in our future. I was against convincing our state and others about becoming licensed professionals. This may exist someday – I believe, from watching the struggle of other industries, this is highly unlikely. We did begin to see the vision. Can an agent become certified? This would validate our mission. I served as the president of PASRS from its inception in 2010 through the end of 2017. In 2017, I was asked to serve on the national board of directors for a new group called the National Placement and Referral Alliance (NPRA).
As we organized nationally, it became imperative to adopt initiatives that agents from across the country could rally behind. Agents voluntarily sign our National Best Practices. This supports our commitment to move in the direction of being a respected professional industry. I want us to become trusted by Senior Living providers, the families we serve, and our referral partners. When there is no regulation, there is a sense – nothing is out of bounds, and everything is OK. Many individuals have taken advantage of vulnerable people over the years in this process. Victims include both families and Senior Living providers. Agents control business flow from a good portion of the healthcare system, and many have been wounded when money and compensation are the highest priority for referral agents.
Our national initiatives also included the pursuit of the development of a national certification program. This concept seems out of reach, perhaps pie-in-the-sky. However, in early 2018, the first conversations were had between our national alliance and a nationally recognized company that builds and develops these certification programs for emerging industries.
In August 2018, a dozen dedicated professionals met in Denver to begin taking the first steps toward developing such a program. It took over a year to get another twelve people in a room again with a national company to lead us in developing test questions. Finally, on a Saturday morning in January 2020, the first 77 candidates took the national certification examination. Since then, several dozen more have taken the test. I have taken the test as well. Of course, I had some apprehension, but I expected to pass. The industry I have worked in has evolved, and many have earned great trust and respect. They have served hundreds and hundreds of families exceptionally well and managed their business with Senior Living providers.
However, many still operate with no boundaries or limits to the practice. They still operate corruptly, involving referral sources, Senior Living providers, and the families they are supposed to serve. This year’s narrative has to change and promote the agents who willingly ascribe to our national best practices and have chosen certification as agents of the highest order. Of course, there will be exceptions, but we have to trust that the people who have put themselves into the public space with their trade association membership and have achieved certification are the agents to be seen in the highest regard.
Without licensure and with minimal legislation across the country, these two things, coupled together, are the best we can do to elevate the industry and the professionals who are engaged in the work of the sector. I am so proud to have taken this test and be counted among my peers as a professional who truly cares about our industry, our reputation with our senior living provider partners, our referral sources, and the families we serve.
The Options for Senior Living team continues to be dedicated to serving families to the highest degree possible, and we wish to be counted among the best in the nation for our work.